NSF requires that NSF-funded researchers regularly report on the progress of supported projects and the way funds are used.

  • Only Principal Investigators (PIs) and co-PIs can create, edit and submit project reports
  • Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) staff and administrative users with read-only access can view project reports

Sign In to create, edit and submit reports
Find project outcomes reports 

The 4 types of project reports are:

  • Annual report
  • Interim report
  • Final report
  • Project outcomes report

Annual, Interim and Final Reports 
Annual project reports are required for all standard and continuing grants and cooperative agreements. Final reports are required for all standard and continuing grants, cooperative agreements and fellowships. Interim project reports are not required and are used to update the progress of a project any time during or before the award period expires

All submitted annual and final reports must be approved by an NSF Program Officer to meet the submission requirements.

Key features of Project Reporting System in Research.gov:

  • A consolidated project reporting dashboard that includes annual, final, interim, and project outcomes report
  • Ability to deposit published journal articles and juried conference papers in NSF Public Access Repository to be compliant with the Public Access requirement. PIs and co-PIs can also submit publications in the NSF’s Public Access repository through their project reports and comply with the Public Access requirement.Refer to Public Access page for additional information
  • Upload multiple Products via BibTex upload feature

Project Outcome Reports (for general public)
The Project Outcomes Report is a report written for new and existing awards, specifically for the public, that provides insight into the outcomes of NSF-funded research. Project Outcome Reports can be viewed through Research.gov’s Research Spending & Results search service.

Note: Project Outcome Reports are not reviewed or approved by NSF

More Information

Project Report Screenshots and Instructions

 Project reports tutorial (video)

 BibTeX tutorial (video)

Project reports template

Project Reporting Getting Started Guide

Project Reporting FAQ's

Project Reports and Reminder Email Schedule Tip Sheet

For additional information on Project Reports, please visit the Help section.